American Legion Post 36

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 2:00pm

I am very excited that we finally have great website (, thanks to our new webmaster Dan MacWalters! You will find basic information about the American Legion, you will meet our new Post leadership and learn a little about them; and, a calendar that will be kept up to date. This calendar will include when the Hall has commitments so if you are planning an event and would like to rent the Hall, you will be able to see if the Hall is available. There are also links to key organizations including the Maine Bureau of Veterans Services where you can have access, download if you want, the Veterans Resource Guide that provides information ranging from veteran burial benefits to all the non-profits in Maine that serve veterans. Please check it out. And, anything you would like to have included on the website, let me know. Of course, we still have our Facebook page thanks to our Historian, Fran Nicoletta.

Flag Day, June 14, is rapidly approaching. First, if you need a new flag, see Christopher Armstead or call the Hall to get connected to him. Also, we will be having our traditional flag disposal ceremony at the Hall in the morning. This is a great opportunity for our kids to learn a little more about our flag. I bet some of the parents and grandparents might learn something to.

Another reminder, the Post Yard Sale is on Aug. 6 and while that is along way off, you can start bringing your "stuff" to the Legion now. We have a storage unit directly across from the Hall where we can store things as you find them. Please be mindful that big heavy things will need to be moved from storage to the yard sale, and while just across the street, if you put them in storage, you will need to help move them across the street on the 5th or 6th of August. This is also a community event. So, if you don't want to donate your "stuff," you can have your own table(s) for just $25. This buys you a 10-foot by 20-foot hunk of grass. There will be breakfast and lunch goodies available all morning. So spread the word about the community part of the yard sale. The more community tables, the more attractive the whole yard sale will be. We have new signs that will advertise the yard sale that will go up along Route 27. Register articles and social media will also be getting the word out. But success is determined by the "stuff" we have to sell and the participation of community members.

The next breakfast is June 5th and the next Post monthly meeting is 13 June and will include the official changing of the Post leadership. Would be great to have a terrific turn out for that!