American Legion Post 36

Sat, 07/01/2023 - 11:15am

What a great Windjammers Parade! In spite of the terrible weather leading up to the parade, mother nature acted kindly on us and provided us with a precipitation free event; and it seemed like it was the largest crowd ever! What was really special was having Paul Adams, who was a spectator from St. Andrews Village, hop (well, sort of) in the car with me as we passed! As you know, Paul is a WW II veteran submariner. The purpose of the Post float was to introduce the community to our new Legion baseball team, the 36ers! I know the players had a great time interacting with the crowd! The weather has raised havoc with the game schedule. As of this writing, the next home games are July 7, 10 and ll at 6:30. You’ll just have to go to the Post website ( to be sure of the schedule. Don’t bother having dinner before the game or waiting until after, the Snack Shack is open and has lots of great food. The proceeds go to support the team, so enjoy!

Speaking of the parade, I hope you got a good look at the Auxiliary float. With the theme of “the 50th anniversary of Vietnam” the float perfectly depicted that. They won 3rd Prize, CONGRATS!

The Post is an all-volunteer organization. But it takes a community of volunteers to make the Post as successful as it is. I can’t say enough about our non-legion members who are part of our regular kitchen crew. I will be addressing that in future articles. This article is about the firewood that is now ready to be raffled off. Brian Barter was the chief source of the wood, although others contributed as well. And, over the past few months, most of the wood was cut into the right length logs by Post member John Hargreaves and Auxiliary member Jennifer Hargreaves. Others contributed including Post Commander Robin Ford and her Dad, Bob Stanley. Of course, Ed Harmon, Arthur Richardson, Chris Armstead, and Hal Pierce were on hand as well. The end result was a huge amount of logs ready to be split. So, Brian Barter (a volunteer veteran) organized a working party to turn the logs into 3 or more cords. They were Ronnie, Jaime, and Brody Campbell, Barry Sherman, Matt Doucette, Ray Bateman, Bill Hammond, and Erik Hobson. This team of non-member and Post member volunteers did a great job and now we are ready for another firewood raffle! Thank you all!

The Yard Sale is just a few weeks away! This year, we will have a group of craft folks joining us. If you aren’t part of this group, but would like to join us on the Common, just call the Hall (633-4487) and let me know. And, of course, please consider having your yard sale with us on the common as well! Remember, August 5th!

Next Post meeting is July 10, 5:30 dinner, 6 p.m. meeting.