Boothbay Harbor hires LD 2003 planning consultant

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 4:30pm

Under a state deadline to implement LD 2003 changes into town ordinances by July 1, Boothbay Harbor called in professional help. The selectboard unanimously voted May 13 to accept a bid from North Star Planning (NSP) as a consultant to help meet the state’s requirements.

The town’s legal counsel has already drafted amendments that address all required land use code changes to comply with LD 2003, according to the project request for proposals (RFP). Now, NSP will work with the town to review items under the law that have been left for the municipality to consider under home rule. NSP will also attend and facilitate workshops to draft ordinance revisions, determine the impacts of LD 2003 and moderate a public hearing.

The selectboard accepted NSP’s bid with an $8,000 to $10,000 ($125-$160 per hour) project estimate. According to Town Manager Julia Latter, two others applied, but one withdrew with concerns about the deadline and the other bid around $24,000. Latter said ordinance requires the town to choose the lowest qualified bidder.

After tabling ordinance revisions with the planning board, the selectboard decided in February to hire a town planning consultant. The move came after several workshops between the boards, and several meetings of an ordinance revision advisory subcommittee. Board members expressed more interest in making careful revisions than pushing for a May town meeting vote. Both boards expressed interest in hiring a planning consultant for advice on ordinance revisions with sweeping implications and the RFP says the consultant will aim to minimize adverse, unforeseen effects. 

Due to the deadline, the selectboard decided to start with a consultant specifically for changes related to LD 2003, according to Latter. The town plans to hold a special town meeting in July for residents to vote on changes related to LD 2003. Latter said the town does not anticipate negative repercussions if the state’s July 1 deadline is not strictly met. Latter said the town plans to put out a separate RFP for additional planning consulting on other issues, including a comprehensive plan and land use codes. 

In other business, Latter announced Paul B. Adams, most recent recipient of the town’s Boston Post Cane, has died. Adams, born March 7, 1925, received the cane July 2022. While the original gold inlaid cane is kept on display at the town office, a replica has been ordered for recipients. Latter said the town will soon be accepting nominations for the next recipient. The holder needs to be the oldest Boothbay Harbor resident and have lived in the town for at least five years.  The board reelected Michael Tomko chair and Ken Rayle vice chair.