Sprucewold Column: Meetings, events and ‘Woldwear!’

Tue, 08/10/2021 - 7:15am

It’s been a busy few days in the Sprucewold and Linekin Heights Colonies. The Linekin Heights Association held their annual meeting on Saturday morning, Aug. 7, outside on the Sprucewold Green, followed by the Sprucewold Association Annual Meeting at 10 a.m. via Zoom. I don’t have details to pass along as yet from the Linekin Heights meeting, but there is news from the Sprucewold Association. President Susan Goodell opened with a line from last week’s columnist, Margit Ahlin, highlighting again our “beautiful vistas, abundant wildlife, dramatic weather changes, unique architecture, and unparalleled community spirit.” A lot to be thankful for.

New members of the Sprucewold Association were noted, including Michael Mallen on Crooked Pine; Paul Puciata and Jessica Ludwig also on Crooked Pine; Greg Ruffing, Doug and Pam Piper, and Mark and Barbara Nissenbaum on Crest; Keith Traynor on Cranberry; Leslie Paxson on Old Stonewall Road; and Leigh Pumilia & Carol Ortlip on Bayberry. Welcome to all and we look forward to saying hello in person soon!

Upcoming events announced at the meeting are the annual Nahanada Park clean up party on Thursday, Aug. 12, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. (contact Almus Thorp for details or come ahead with a few tools and a beverage for follow-up socializing); the annual Maine Firewise chipping program on Tuesday the 10th; and Firewise cabin assessment opportunities on Wednesday, Aug. 18 (call or email Ralph Kimball). Ralph Kimball received kudos for his dedication to Firewise and for the success of the program here in Sprucewold. He would welcome the chance to add members to the committee, so please also be in touch with him if you’re willing to help out.

Other Sprucewold social events in the upcoming weeks include both the possibility of an outdoor movie night or two for families on the Linekin Heights Green, as well as a Zoom presentation by Crest Avenue resident Mimi Giguere. Mimi will share her research into the potential benefits of listing the Sprucewold Colony cabins on the National Register of Historic Places. Stay tuned for details.

Saturday in Sprucewold concluded with a variation on the theme of our annual Sprucewold/Linekin Heights potluck. Social chairs Rebecca Vacinek and Sarah Stedt highlighted the new grills on the Linekin Heights Green by featuring a hot dog roast—and being more COVID-19 safe in the process. What an amazing variety of garnishes for the hot dogs, on a just-right Maine evening. Neighbors contributed colorful flowers for the picnic tables, all of which were full. It was a wonderful chance to catch up with one another. Many thanks for all the effort that went into the event!

Read next week’s column for news of the Sprucewold Beach Club. The annual meeting of The Sprucewold Beach Club is this Saturday, Aug. 14 at 9 a.m. at the Catholic Church, Social Hall. Under leadership of beach attendant Jacob Moulaison, it’s been a great summer there — lots of beachgoers, swimmers, kids fishing, kayakers, and boaters.

Several of us have recently gotten out our Rusticators history of Sprucewold, given that a number of our cabins and the Sprucewold Lodge are only a few years from celebrating 100th anniversaries. The original lodge, built in 1926, enjoyed an enormously successful first summer, leading to the building of a second lodge (our present structure) as a 48-room annex the next year. Unfortunately, as Rusticators documents, the original lodge burned to the ground in 1930, leaving the current lodge intact. Among the earliest cabins in Sprucewold was 12 Birch Road, originally built in 1921 for a Mrs. Chapin from New York, as part of the Nickerson Community Camp development. Number 12 Birch Road is currently owned by Lisa and Chris Addis. In a recent conversation I had with them, Chris raised the intriguing question, if we were to assemble items for a time capsule and bury it in a special place on the property for future Sprucewolders, what would we put into it? It’s an intriguing question for us all to ponder, as our 100th anniversaries edge closer.

And while you’re still in Boothbay Harbor — or already home and wishing you were here, it’s time to shop online for “Woldwear!” What’s that? Begin by copying into your browser https://www.sprucewoldme.com, to have a look around at bags, sweatshirts, T-shirts, mugs, kids’ clothing, and more. It’s lifelong resident Annaliese Rittershaus Neff who gets credit for designing the items and the fabulous website. Many items feature a choice of either a woodsy modern logo or a traditional design of the Sprucewold Lodge. Before you shop on the website, be sure to hit “Home,” for the familiar photo of a cabin fireplace, assuring you that you’re in the right place.