
The Opening Party on Saturday, July 6th went off without a hitch, thankfully the predicted rain held off. Sprucewold residents came out in force and the cooks outdid themselves. Last…

First, a reminder of opportunities to remember and honor two long-time Southporters. This Thursday, July 11 at 11 a.m. a funeral service will be held for Byron Atwood at All Saints by-the-Sea with…

Fourth of July week at SYC always means that the sailing program will be celebrating via the Independence Day Challenge! Sailors came dressed head to toe in their team colors and…

This past week marked the second of the Southport Junior Yacht Club’s sailing program. The days were full of excitement. While the weather was not always pristine for sailing, SJYC…

Our first official week of activities was certainly a whirlwind. Thank you to Tom Cotter for his presentation on antique cars and thanks to Holly Cleary and Kate Dawson for the very well attended…

Ah, summer in Maine.  It's been a real summer, hot and muggy at times, but you can open your windows to catch the breezes.  The Barn sure was hopping, definitely summertime at the Big Gray Barn. …

Welcome to the first musical reference - rock/ funk version - of the Buzz. James Brown’s, Living in America, along with Ray Charles, America the Beautiful got my playlist started on the Fourth. It…

Wow! What a lobster bake! Chairs Jean Dilley and Cindy Gagne should hire out as weather forecasters for special events. Despite ominous clouds, fog rolling in…

July 17th is the date for July’s potluck and the kitchen team of Suzanne, Judy and Alan  would like you to bring either a main or side dish or a dessert to share. If you are bringing guests, you…

With all the visitors coming to Boothbay this summer, there is a special one I can't wait to see and hear speak: Paul Doiron, one of Maine's most popular mystery writers! Boothbay…

Criminals love to impersonate big businesses and the bigger the better. One of the largest targets of impostor scams last year was Amazon. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 44,000 reports…

YMCA Health & Wellness

Whether you had an overly social summer weekend or late afternoon lattes have become your habit, one thing is for certain — getting an adequate amount of sleep is crucial for maintaining a…

Welcome to our first edition of the Chief’s Corner, where we will share with you weekly key life and property saving information, guidelines and helpful tips. Our fire service's mission is…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbay register, #jeff and allison wells, #maine, #birds, #indigo bunting

There are two birds in particular that are so striking, so tropical-looking, that most people think they’re rare here in Maine.

But they aren’t.

In fact they’re quite widespread…

’Round Town

Clive Farrin grew up in Boothbay Harbor. His best friends from childhood are legendary – Charlie Begin, Conneth Murray and Butch Cressey. They were such good friends that all through their early…

Joe’s Journal

Last Thursday evening, I joined a few million Americans who poured an adult beverage, sat on the couch, and watched a pair of old dudes argue.

Supposedly, they were on stage trying to…

Abby and Tim Mahoney have arrived and are busy preparing for what will be a very busy season of activities! Despite the fact that activities didn’t officially begin until Monday, July 1 Abby, Tim…

I hope you all have/had a wonderful Independence Day celebration. It was a busy week to say the least.

Please, when you very generously donate Durable Medical Equipment…

Boothbay Region YMCA Community Catalyst for Good

Summer is the time to hike, swim, and explore. Here on the peninsula, we’re endlessly fortunate to hear the joyous laughter from campers at Camp Knickerbocker, or perhaps enjoy youth-filled…

Summer is officially here, which means door-to-door sales crews are too. But buyer beware because what they’re selling isn’t always legit. 

These scams can show up in a variety of forms.…

We have the opportunity to remember with fondness and say good-bye to two long-time Southporters the second week in July. First, on Thursday, July 11 at 11 a.m. at the summer chapel, All Saints by…

We’ve all been waiting for summer on Southport and it finally arrived last week! The sailing program is in full swing and the Junior Officers held the first Ice Cream Social of the…

This week marked the beginning of the Southport Junior Yacht Club program for the summer of 2024. The club was filled with smiling faces, some old and some new, but all excited for…

A short column this week, as the Point revs up for the holiday, culminating with the lobster bake Saturday. In 1993 my family rented the Music Box (where else?) for a week, back when the…

Happy birthday America! In the spirit of our 248th birthday, I did a little Google search to see if I could learn, or relearn, a few facts about the birth of our nation. So, we remember that the…

Rotary runs on a fiscal calendar, so our new club president and officers take office effective July 1. That should have been  the most important thing on the agenda, but this year, all that got…

Once again, July 4 has arrived and that means summer is really here! As always, the day begins at 9 a.m. at the Community House for the annual Bayville Improvement Association meeting.

The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…

62nd annual Windjammer Days

The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…

62nd annual Windjammer Days

The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbay register, #maine, #jeff and allison wells, #birds, #least bittern

It may have been an unconscious reaction to last week’s excessive heat, but over the weekend we were drawn to local lakes and marshes to look for birds. It is hard for us to believe, but some of…

’Round Town

Did you ever go to the grocery store without a list? Not intentionally, but by accident leaving the list on the kitchen table after laboring over what to buy? Items listed so the resulting…

Joe’s Journal

Well, here we go.

I don’t know what to make of the promised presidential debate scheduled for 9 p.m. this Thursday. If you want to watch, it will be all over the networks if you can stay…

Summer is officially here, the summer solstice was on June 20 at 4:51 p.m. this year. According to NPR it's the first time it has been this early since George Washington was president…

Where It’s At
Dorothy Eisner

Boothbay Harbor’s First Friday Art Tours kicked off on June 7 and the turnout was fantastic – as was the art! Participating with receptions, some including artists with a new show opening, were…

It’s Windjammer Week! Aside from the rain this past weekend, there seem to be many, many activities downtown! We will be selling Lobster Raffle tickets at Pier 1 Pizza this coming Wednesday, June…

Last Monday morning many family and friends gathered first at the Catholic Church, Our Lady Queen of Peace, on the east side of the harbor to honor and celebrate the life of Jean Luther Thompson,…

From the Senate

As a State Senator, I am here for all of my constituents.…

As I’m writing the column Sunday afternoon we are experiencing quite a contrast in the weather. Earlier in the week temperatures soared to 90+ and for the past several days temperatures are quite…

A rainout of a weekend didn’t deter folks this past weekend. While your correspondent stayed comfortably inside assuming the clean-up Saturday morning was cancelled due to the pouring rain, around…

As I hope everyone knows by now, the Boothbay American Legion has a Legion baseball team, the 36ers. We have started our second season with a great team of 18 ballplayers from around the region;…

Today (June 20) was the longest day of the year, and unseasonably warm at that. Inside the Rotary Hall, conviviality and fellowship were on full display. Our speaker was David Patch, one-…

We’ve all been there; you reach for your wallet and find nothing in your pocket or purse. The panic we feel in that moment is real because our wallet can be a treasure trove for criminals, who can…

Boothbay Region YMCA Community Catalyst for Good

Have you ever held a two-dollar bill? It’s unique. Special. Something we rarely see in the midst of our busy lives. The first two-dollar note predates the use of the dollar sign and our federal…

62nd annual Windjammer Days

The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…

62nd annual Windjammer Days

The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…

A Bird’s Tale

Sister-in-law Nina called, breathless, a few weeks ago. While walking the dogs along a quiet road in Georgetown, she was astonished to find a tiny, newly fledged saw-whet owl sitting on the back…

Joe’s Journal

For months, MaineDOT has promised this is the year they would repave Route 27 from U.S. 1 to Boothbay, and from Boothbay to the intersection of Route 96.

In English, that translates from…

’Round Town

It’s just about time for some special boats to arrive in Boothbay Harbor and surrounding coastal communities. The sailing cruise ships are back on the high seas and with fingers crossed we hope…

Summer is gearing up to be very busy – as usual. Please review here the different opportunities we are offering!

Our closet is stuffed! We need help with our space crunch in our Durable…